Thursday, October 28, 2010


The first articles talk about how expensive health care is and how bankrupt America already is, "medicare system is roughly $80 trillion in the hole." The government doesn't support CBB, it is such a controversial topic that it will always be a win/lose situation, since this is such a extremist topic. If Medicare started covering CBB the dept they are in would be increased since it is an expensive process.

Then next articles are talking about how health care isn't that expensive and how we are paying for universal health care but not getting it. It gives a lot of statistics and numbers explaining such things. "Americans spend more than anyone else in the world on health care. Each health insurer adds its bureaucracy, profits, high corprate salaries, advertising, and sales commissions to the actual cost of providing care." Basically, each health insurer adds on extra costs to the actual cost, marking up the costs which we then will wind up paying.

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