Wednesday, October 20, 2010


4. Describe the types of health care problems Americans face, and the government's role in seeking solutions.
One of the major issues is that our health care is nearly twice as much, per capital, as other countries. We spend over 1.4 trillion per year on health care, which represents about 15 % or a 7th of our total gross domestic income. The cost of health care is constantly increasing which in turn prevents companies from hiring as many workers as they need, which forces them to have their other workers to do more jobs. Most companies have begun to realizes that they can get away with not covering their employee's health care, and expect them to pay out of pocket for it. Also if a person gets hurt, which enables them from working they usually get fired or don't get a paid leave, which then they have to spend excessive amounts of money on covering their health care bills for which they wont get paid.

For whichever one you choose, feel free to answer in a manner that specifically addresses your topic for Life: The Book or a more general manner (remember that the general manner could still be very useful for your article, as it could provide background info). Be sure to embed links to relevant information and sources of further information.

Then, answer the following, using our past readings & related sources.

1. Using a specific example, describe what makes a compelling character in narrative nonfiction or literary journalism.
Someone who you can relate to, or someone who is an authority figure and that you look up to. You need characters who know what they are talking about and who have passion that is addictive which will spread through the writing and infect the readers. You need a character who is able to add importance to the writing.

2. Using a specific example, describe what makes an interesting plot in narrative nonfiction or literary journalism.
There is conflict, an argument, with both sides shown. There has to be a lot of evidence and facts, but not so much that the reader will be lost, but enough to prove the reader of a good reason as to why they are currently reading the article.

3. What specific steps do authors take to write non-jargon-based scientific writing?
they explain using punctuation and similes to explain what jargon they do have to use. In some ways they dumb it down to make sure the audience of which they choose will understand. The author has to act as a filter almost.

4. What specific steps do authors take to encourage their readers to connect with their stories?
They use characters which you can connect to, and try to inspire you with their words to force you into action. They try to make you connect with a person or a problem which will help you realize how big of a deal this problem is. The article has to include a loop and some concerts not pancakes, they have to relate, and compare and contrast. The writing needs to be relate to the reader, or at least in the end leave the reader thinking about the problem or wondering how they can get involved.

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