Monday, October 18, 2010


1a Cord Blood Banking, stem cell.
1b Cord Blood Banking, future usage

2a There is a big controversy about the whole issue. Some people are trying to make a case about how stem cell research and cord blood banking should be illegal, all though when its a privately owed company they are freely allowed to do what they want. Most, not all, but most cord blood banks are privately owned.

2b Health care is almost completely controlled by the government. Stem Cell research is not supported by the government in certain ways, such as the government wont cover it if you are insured by the government, they support the research of stem cells, but not the use of it. The cord blood banks are almost all privately owned since the government wont support them. George Bush was fervently against the research and even the use of stem cells, where as Obama, isn't. Stem cells are a huge help to our society, yet there are SO many differeing views on if they should be used or not, and since the government has it's hand in everything. They have laws and regulations state wide, on federal level, and then each branch has their views, and then even each state has THEIR laws on each medical need, and thats only the surface of the medical laws.

3a The economical side of this is that if everyone had the money and access to this asset then there wouldn't be much of a problem. But not everyone makes enough money to have their childs blood stored. Which makes it into a larger controversy.

3b There is a long list of things that cord blood can and will be used to solve, such as
  • Alzheimer's Disease

  • Breast Cancer

  • Crohn's Disease Just to name a few. In the future who knows what this research could find a cure to! In the past when people got ill, they either died, or didn't. We are coming up with so many ways that will cure so many things in the future.

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