Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Then, explain how this debate impacts your topic for Life: The Book. Be sure to address your topic from more than one perspective, as you have six different authors to discuss!
If we had universal health care I believe that it would only cover the basic needs of everyone, since it would be so expensive. So then the controversy starts. Is cord blood banking necessary? It would save your childs life from any number of problems, and is that worth paying for?
I believe yes. I believe that if we have the cure to cancer we aren't going to wonder "hmm should we use this?" No we are going to treat every person possible. But yet, why are we so concerned with stem cells? There are many ways around killing and unborn child, and also if the woman is going to have an abortion, then why not put that condemed cells to use in benifiting another life?
Finally, discuss what you believe. Aim for a thoughtful explanation of your beliefs.

"Thus, isn't the right to health care actually a power to force doctors to probide people with medical services?" This is a very contorversial statement because there is about an even split of people who would believe that health care should be a universial right, and about another half that believe that if you can't pay then you shouldn't have it. Also the few who are stuck in the middle, like myself, who just don't really care one way or the other.

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