Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Part 1

Sarah Barnes, and my mom and sister.
Both are really amazing people in my life, they have supported me from day one and have always believed in me. They are really strong women in my life personally and I look up and admire them. As I grow up an face struggles daily, I am constantly remind of them. Sarah, my teacher last year, was fantastic, she always told me stories of women in our histories past, and even men who did wonderful things and how the influenced our world today. I loved hearing all the stories she had to share, even the ones about her personally. It was wonderful knowing that even though she had to face difficult struggles, that she could over come them and be such a wonderful person to everyone she met.

My Mom and Sister, are another set of women in my life that I find myself looking up too. They are strong Christians, and are supportive of me in everything I do. My Mom and my Sister are brave and outgoing, they have strong values and they have always known what is right. I know i am lucky to have so many amazing people in my life constantly looking out for me, but these are two who will always have my back no matter what i've done. To me personally they are someone to look up too.

Part 2

Resource: Website
Description/ Explanation: This website was very helpful to me last year when I was learning about Nzinga, one of the original women who inspired me.

Resource: Website
Description/ Explanation: This website is ALL about Amilea Earhart, and her life story. This was also a wonderful website for me when I was learning about her.

Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others.
Resource: a quote from Amelia Earhart
Description: this is why she is my icon, she believed fully that women and men were equal. She just did what she wanted to do, and she totally devoted her life to it. That's what I find so spectacular about this single woman.

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