Monday, September 13, 2010


1. What aspect of the American Icons artist statement has been most successful for you? Why?
I believe that the most successful part of this for me has been getting my ideas down. I know they don't make sense to some people, and deffinatly still need rewording and revising but I feel very good about how I expressed what I wanted.

2. What writing tip(s) have been the most helpful? Why?
I know this is almost cheesy, but I really believe that they all really helped, honestly. I feel with each I learned alot about "good" writing from Randy's point of view. But if I am forced to choose one, it would be "The Loop." Mainly because my writing needed a way to tie back in with it self, and it really needed help getting all the ideas to connect. "The Loop" really helped with this.


3. What aspect of the artist statement has been most challenging? Why?
Wording things. I feel that my ideas get lost behind the words. That the reader gets confused and misinterprets things. It is very hard for me to word things so that they don't only just make sense in my head but also in the readers. My mind thinks differently and can connect 100 different points all to one main idea, but some people can't.

4. What writing tip is most challenging? Why?

Probably concerts not pancakes. Mainly because it was hard for me to reword things, so that they followed this rule and still made sense.

My family and past teachers have all supported me throughout every decision I have made. My parents have tried to give me every opportunity possible to achieve in life. They put me through school, and sports, and supported me. They have surrounded me with people who will constantly bring me up, like my teachers and peers.
Last year my teacher Sarah Barnes, also supported me in dreaming big. We were doing a project on Revolutions and my partner and I were assigned Nzinga's Revolution, which is about a woman taking over an African throne and how she supported her country. This project really made me a women activist and really inspired me to reach high when I think of my future. The story of Nzinga was so inspiring and tragic. It was amazing when I was researching about this powerful woman and the struggles she had to face and deal with on a daily basis from men trying to over power her and show her up. When you look back at women in history you don't find much. But what I find is fantastic, it’s about women who stood up against what is currently considered decent, or morally ok. I find it fantastic when a woman will stand up against a man telling her to lower her shirt and raise her skirt. I find it fantastic when a woman will stand up for what she believes, for Amelia Earhart that was that men were equal to women. I have always been taught to think for myself and never allow anyone to push me around. But when you go to third world countries or back a few centuries, you find injustices against women. As a young girl I always stood up to boys, and I didn’t let them push me around. As I grow up I realize how strong of an individual I am, and how many women had to come before me to allow me the chance to stand up for my rights and ultimately myself.

1- I need help wording things and making it flow. Does it flow?
2- I need help with making my verbs and such stronger!!

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