Thursday, September 9, 2010

1. Explain why you chose this opening/closing combo.
2. How does it tie together your big ideas?
3. Explain the types of thoughts that you hope your reader has when they are done reading your work.


“Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others.”
“That’s impossible” That one line that we have all muttered at some point in our life when someone is trying to push us. In the end, we find that, it wasn’t all that impossible, and that if we really actually tried we get to a point where we succeed. As Amelia Earhart has pointed out, success doesn’t discriminate against genders. It isn’t like men can do better than women; women need to try to do the impossible. They need to just get out there and attempt, and if they fail, keep failing until you have successfully done “the impossible.”


Although She wasn’t the first or the last of the few powerful and influential women in our history, Amelia Earhart personally really stood out to me. I am a dreamer, I have always wanted to fly, and I think it is fantastic that Amelia Earhart was able to follow her dream and do the impossible. She was able to fly.. She was the first woman ever to be able to fly. Now that was impossible. I want to be remembered, maybe not in text books, but at least by someone. Some little girl who realized that just because she was a girl didn’t mean she couldn’t beat up the boys. I want to be able to do for someone- what Amelia Earhart did for me. She did not inspire me; she challenged me. She challenged me to be whom ever I want and dream to be.

My big ideas are that everyone should try to do the impossible, and that gender shouldn't hold anyone back. I believe that these encompass those ideas because they are about who inspired mean how i want want to inspire others.

3- i hope that they are empowered to change themselves or to better themselves and reach for the goal that we all have and are afraid to grasp.

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