Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Welcome back to school!

1. Please outline your hopes for your upcoming junior year. What are your overall hopes, dreams, wishes and goals for the year?

I hope to get straight A's both semesters, I know I know, its what everyone says, but last year I got so close!! So this year I really want to get there. I also want to be able to take and succeed in honors this year. I want to be able to proudly show colleges my GPA. I also want to get the best from my Intersession, like being able to do something I love and setting it up so it will be something I enjoy.

2. Let's get a little more specific. Tell us about what you hope to accomplish or learn from your experiences in this Humanities class.

I absolutely LOVE writing, but this year I really want to get better at it. I want to look back and say Junior Year was what changed my writing. I really hope to learn more about history and about myself. I really loved last year since Sarah taught a ton about history and we learned about revolutions, and how some are still happening today, I really loved how she tied it all back into present day. I believe that this is how this year will work too, so I am very excited about that.

3. What is something that you do in your life that naturally try to do well (Are you seriously good at video games? cooking? Are you an athlete?)? How do you naturally develop this talent within yourself?

wellll, I love playing soccer and I try to be good at it, but I'm not very good at it. But I also really loveee cooking. I enjoy cooking for my friends and by this year is over I am pretty sure that I will have made a cake or brownies for the class! I try very hard at both these things in my life, because they both mean alot to me personally. I try to naturally develop the talents in these by listening to feedback from my parents, peers, or coach and taking that into consideration when I try the next time. And if I do it incorrectly the first time I keep redoing the same thing to make sure that I get it right the next time and so that when it really matters, like in a game, I understand how execute it correctly

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